Swimming Results

Varsity JV Freshman
Varsity Standings & Scores
Team Wins Losses Ties   Varsity
ATL. Atlantic        
Car. Carroll        
CB. Council Bluffs        
DMH. Hoover        
DMV. Valley        
JHS. Johnston        
LC. Girls Swimming        
REG. Regionals        
SC. Sioux City Metro        
SEP. South East Polk        
STE. State Meet        

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Date Team Score
9/2 LC. Girls Swimming 82
  Car. Carroll 81

Date Team Score
9/7 LC. Girls Swimming 106
  CB. Council Bluffs 63

9/11 LC. Girls Swimming 255
  SC. Sioux City Metro 255

9/20 LC. Girls Swimming 89
  ATL. Atlantic 88

9/25 LC. Girls Swimming 188
  DMV. Valley 216

9/28 SC. Sioux City Metro 87
  LC. Girls Swimming 108

10/5 LC. Girls Swimming 100
  DMH. Hoover 95

10/9 LC. Girls Swimming 65
  JHS. Johnston 242

10/16 CB. Council Bluffs  
  LC. Girls Swimming  

10/26 CB. Council Bluffs  
  LC. Girls Swimming  

11/6 LC. Girls Swimming  
  REG. Regionals  

11/12 LC. Girls Swimming  
  STE. State Meet  

11/13 LC. Girls Swimming  
  STE. State Meet  

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JV Standings & Scores
Team Wins Losses Ties   Junior Varsity

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Freshman Standings & Scores
Team Wins Losses Ties   Freshman

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