Softball Results

Varsity JV Freshman
Varsity Standings & Scores
Team Wins Losses Ties   Varsity
LC. Lewis Central 0 0 0
SA. St. Albert 0 0 0

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JV Standings & Scores
Team Wins Losses Ties   Junior Varsity

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Freshman Standings & Scores
Team Wins Losses Ties   Freshman

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What are your 2 favorite cheesy lines from major movies?
“Nobody puts baby in a corner” - Dirty Dancing
“You had me at hello.” - Jerry Maguire
“You can be my wingman anytime” - Top Gun
“Ditto” - Ghost
“I’m the king of the world!” - Titanic
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning," - Apocalpyse Now
"Hasta, la vista, baby," - Terminator 2
“I think World War II just started.” - Pearl Harbor
"Points or no points, you're dead meat." - The Karate Kid
"Sorry, guys, I gotta see about a girl." - Good Will Hunting
"If I can change, and you can change, everybody can change." - Rocky IV

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